CMA compliance
Specific information about our relationship with consultants, including key charges made by Lindsey Private Patients are set out below.
Compliance with CMA Private Healthcare Market Investigation Order 2014.
In October 2014, the Competition and Markets Authority (the “CMA”) published the Private Healthcare Market Investigation Order 2014 (the “Order”) following its investigation into the private healthcare industry. The CMA’s Order legally requires every clinic or hospital offering privately funded admitted care to disclose certain information to The Private Healthcare Information Network (PHIN). PHIN are the independent, government-mandated source of information about private healthcare, working to empower patients to make better-informed choices of care provider. PHIN is the CMA approved Information Organisation (IO) to gather and publish this data. Full details about the investigation and the Order can be found on the CMA web page. The information provided by Lindsey Private Patients below is mandated by the order.
“Higher Value” Services
The “higher value” services provided at Lindsey Private Patients to referring clinicians and the amounts charged by Lindsey Private Patients for those services are:
“Low Value” Services
The following “low value” services are provided to referring clinicians at Lindsey Private Patients: