Eyelid surgery


Blepharoplasty is a surgical procedure to improve the appearance of the upper eyelids, lower eyelids, or both, restoring firmness to the area surrounding the eyes and making your eyes look younger. Specifically, eyelid surgery can treat:

  • Loose or sagging skin that creates folds or hides the natural contour of the upper eyelid
  • Surplus skin that hangs down from the upper eyelid, sometimes impairing vision
  • Surplus fatty tissue that appear as puffiness in the upper eyelids
  • Bags under the eyes
  • Droopiness of the lower eyelids, showing white below the iris
  • Excess skin and fine wrinkles of the lower eyelid.

Ptosis Repair

Ptosis correction is an extremely specialised procedure where alterations can be made to the upper lid height to eliminate the tired look that ageing changes produce from a drooping eyelid. This often produces remarkable rejuvenating changes

What happens during the operation

Upper Lids (Blepharoplasty or Ptosis repair)

The surgeon will mark out where to make the incisions, aiming to blend in with the natural lines, and a local anaesthetic is injected under the skin. The loose skin will be cut out, and possibly also a strip of muscle if necessary. Fat is then teased from the fat pads, ensuring that the appropriate amount is removed and that there is no bleeding. The cut is then closed with delicate stitches.

Lower Lids

The lower lids procedure may be done either from the inside of the eyelid or with an external approach. The inner eyelid (or subconjuctival) approach requires injection of local anaesthetic and then an incision is made to expose the orbital fat pads, and allow fat to be removed to give a smooth contour.
If there is excess skin in the lower eyelid the surgeon will need to use an open approach. An incision is made just below the eyelid margin and extended up to the eye-socket margin. The skin is then released off the underlying muscle and redraped with the excess skin being trimmed. This technique can also be used to remove excess fat so is often chosen if both skin and fat need to be removed. Afterwards the skin will be carefully stitched to avoid tension or pulling on the lower lid.

Aftercare and recovery

The stitches are covered with an antibiotic cream to stop any localised infection, and then removed after a few days. Compresses are recommended to help reduce swelling.

There will be follow-up checks at approximately 1 -2 weeks, and a few months later.

Risks and complications

All surgical procedures carry risks so it’s important that as well as the benefits of cosmetic procedures you are also fully aware of any complications that may arise. For this procedure complications are infrequent and usually minor. Occasionally a pool of blood can collect under the skin after the operation has finished (haematoma) this usually disperses spontaneously over two or three weeks but it may need to be drained if it is large. Quite commonly the margin of the lower lid is slightly pulled away from the eye during the first day or two after surgery due to swelling. This will settle on its own or with the help of suture strips or steri-strips. Very occasionally another operation is necessary. Sometimes tiny white cysts can appear along the stitch line. They are nothing to be concerned about but can be pricked out with a needle.

Book a consultation

To enquire about our services or to make an appointment call us on (03033) 302956 or make an online enquiry

Who will perform this procedure?

Mr Sid Goel

Consultant ophthalmic surgeon

Where can I have this procedure performed?

Goole and District Hospital

Goole hospital is where all of our cosmetic procedures are carried out, although you can choose to have your clinic consultations at Scunthorpe or Grimsby hospitals if this is more convenient.

How much does it cost?

Initial Consultation Fees From £150
Lower Eyelids From £3429
Upper Eyelids From £3150
Both Upper and Lower Eyelids From £4548

Quality of care

From the moment we receive your request for a consultation through to the completion of your treatment we offer the highest standards of care.


We offer a high quality service at competitive prices. As we work out of NHS hospitals we are able to offer procedures that are more affordable than our competitors


From 'what's included in the price' to 'how to pay' see some of the questions asked by our patients and the answers.