Mr Satish Kotta
Consultant ophthalmologist at Grimsby hospital.

Mr Satish Kotta, consultant ophthalmologist at Diana, Princess of Wales Hospital. Refractive cataract surgery, multifocal implants, macular degeneration
GMC number: 3603200
Procedures carried out:
- Penetrating/non-penetrating and microinvasive glaucoma surgery
- Refractive cataract surgery
- Refractive lens replacement
- Laser for retina, glaucoma and anterior segment
- Blepharoplasty
- Eyelid plastics
- Adult and child squint surgery
MD, FRCS(Glas.), FRCOphth, DO(Lond.)
Royal College of Ophthalmologists, RCPS Glasgow, American Academy Ophthalmology, American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery